Victoria, BC – Sylvie Tremblay, a 52-year-old Victoria woman who was the subject of two missing person’s alerts, has been located after an extensive, multi-day investigation. Investigators located Tremblay and established that she is safe after a search that involved a number of officers and several VicPD units. A patrol officer found the missing woman at a camp she had set up on a small island in the Victoria area that is only accessible during certain tides.
Tremblay was reported missing to VicPD on April 26th. Her family and friends, along with our officers, were concerned for her well-being. Patrol officers initially began the search for Tremblay by interviewing those she knows, checking local hospitals, shelters and social agencies while working to piece together her actions in the days and hours before she was reported missing. The search for Tremblay was brought to the attention of VicPD’s Missing Person’s Coordinator who worked with Patrol Officers, Community Engagement Division members, and Investigative Services Division detectives to work to find the missing woman.
“The search for this missing woman is an example of how important we believe it is to ensure that someone who has gone missing in our community is located safe,” Investigative Services Division Inspector Keith Lindner said. “Our (Behavioural Assessment and Management Unit) BAMU, of which our Missing Person Coordinator is part, coordinates and brings together the resources needed to help ensure that we are doing everything we can to bring these missing people back to their loved ones.”
As the search grew to several days the need for tips from the public became increasingly important. Two separate missing person alerts were sent out to local media agencies, shared on social media, and sent to partners in social service organizations, law enforcement, community support and health services agencies. These in turn generated tips that lead VicPD Cst. Mark Buerfeind to a specific search area.
Yesterday, after speaking with more than 40 persons in that area to determine if any had seen Tremblay, Cst. Buerfeind noted that a series of nearby islands had become accessible at the low tide. He then searched these islands and located the missing woman. She was transported to hospital to ensure her health and safety.
Overall, the search for the missing woman relied on the work and talents of over 40 members of the VicPD organization, from civilian 911 Communications Centre staff, to Investigative Services Division Detectives, Sergeants and Inspector to Community Engagement Division staff, to the Patrol Sergeants, S/Sergeants and Constables who ultimately located her.
“Everyone wants their mom or dad or son or daughter to come home safe,” Inspector Keith Lindner said. “This lady is somebody’s mom, someone’s daughter. We treat the search for her, and for any missing person with as much care and compassion as we can. We’d like to thank the public and our partners for their assistance. Yet again it is the assistance from the people in the community who helped to bring this file to a safe and happy conclusion.”