New Recruit2024-04-10T23:14:41+00:00

24 in '24 - Now is the time to Join VicPD

We're committed to hiring 24 new recruits in 2024, and we've made changes to our selection process to make it easier for you to get started. You can now begin your application without completing the POPAT, and you'll experience fewer interviews and reduced wait times throughout the process. We've even made it easier and less costly to take the POPAT. If you're ready for a career in policing, there's never been a better time to Join VicPD.

Honour Through Service

As a member of the Victoria Police Department, you will join a team of committed and caring professionals. You will work in an organization driven by collaboration, excellence, and innovation. You will be supported as you grow and learn, and you will discover the rewards to be found in a profession that is unlike any other. Every day, you will be challenged to find the best in yourself as you keep people safe and serve our vibrant and growing communities

New Recruits - Duties of a Constable

Police work involves significant responsibility, diversity and complexity in both preventing crime and enforcing a wide variety of Federal and Provincial laws, and Municipal bylaws. Police officers are expected to anticipate, discover and investigate crime, recommend charges and the effectively deliver evidence to the courts.

Police work also requires protecting life and property and the application of complex investigative techniques and methods, which are complicated by departmental policy, diverse legal and evidentiary rules and procedures. All of these must be accomplished within the scope of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Police officers are frequently exposed to danger, injury, disagreeable working conditions and difficult and challenging social elements and surroundings. Police work requires the exercise of a high degree of discretion, tolerance, tact, integrity, and ethical conduct.

Policing also requires initiative, flexibility, social conscience, intelligence and effective judgment in resolving a wide range of problems at all levels of society. These problems involve criminal, Provincial or Municipal bylaw violations, child and spousal abuse, alcoholism, mental health issues, cultural issues and labour and political disputes.

Situations police officers are expected to deal with are frequently violent, unpredictable, and stressful. Officers are often required to act without supervision and are accountable for decisions and actions to supervisors, the courts, and the public. Police officers' responsibilities to the department and the public apply on a twenty-four hour basis, both on and off duty. Officers' performance and conduct are evaluated by both supervisors and the public perception. In addition, performance may be reviewed by courts of criminal and civil jurisdiction and also be subject to review by a variety of internal and external professional conduct tribunals which incorporate a citizens complaint procedure.

Please note that these are basic qualifications only. Many of our candidates exceed these.

  • Minimum age 19 years
  • No criminal record for which a pardon has not been granted
  • Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Ability to successfully undergo an extensive background investigation involving workplace, personal, financial and neighborhood enquiries
  • Medical Requirements
    • Visual acuity
      • Must have unaided vision of not less than 20/40 in one eye and 20/100 in the other eye;
      • Vision should be correctable with approved vision aide to a minimum 20/20 both eyes open with no one eye poorer than 20/30;
      • Colour vision must pass the Ishihara test;
      • Note: Applicants having corrective laser surgery must wait three months post -surgery before applying
    • Hearing: Must have no greater loss than 30 db in both ears in the 500-3000 Hz range
  • Education
    • High school graduation or equivalent
    • Post-Secondary education (two years post-secondary preferred)
  • Skills
    • Valid Drivers Licence (Minimum class 5).
    • Computer skills and demonstrated keyboarding ability required
    • Valid Basic First Aid Certificate and CPR
    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Qualities
    • Demonstrated fit and healthy lifestyle
    • Demonstrated commitment to the community through volunteer experience
    • Maturity derived from varied life experience
    • Demonstrated responsibility, initiative, creativity and problem-solving abilities
    • Demonstrated sensitivity to people whose culture, lifestyle or ethnicity is different than your own

The Victoria Police Department is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity in the workplace

The Victoria Police Department is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity in the workplace, and we use a consistent recruitment and selection process. Our practices comply with general employment legislation such as: Collective Agreements; Workers Compensation Act; Provincial Human Rights Code; and the Employment Standards Act.

Assessment of honesty, integrity and ethics are an integral part of the selection process and the information you provide throughout the process will be scrutinized closely. Dishonesty, deceit, or non-disclosure of information will result in your removal from the process.

The length of the application process varies depending on a wide range of factors but generally takes between 6 – 12 months. VicPD Human Resources responds to all cover letters and resumes submitted. All submissions will be reviewed, and you will be advised of moving forward in the process in due time.

How to Be a More Competitive Candidate

Your cover letter/resume will be evaluated based on 4 areas;

  • Work Experience
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Life Experience

Applicants need to demonstrate their understanding of a policing career. The success of candidates depends on their competitiveness, the current needs of VicPD and the number of quality applicants already in the process.

You should ask yourself three very important questions that will set you up for success:

  • Why do I want to be a police officer?
  • Why am I a competitive candidate?
  • Why do I want work for the Victoria Police Department?

Only you can answer these three questions. More importantly these three questions are the foundation to the entire selection process and you should have prepared your answers before you submit your cover letter and resume.

Prior Experience & Volunteering

If you are not currently in a field related to policing, we would prefer to see that an individual has some related volunteer experience. An applicant could either be involved in a Police Department Community Services section such as Block Watch, Victim Services or Police Reserve program, or an applicant could volunteer in Community Services such as homeless shelters, drug and alcohol or mental health programs. Volunteering in the noted area will assist an applicant with understanding the population we police as well as provide an opportunity to make a commitment to one’s community.

Recruit Training

Candidates hired by VicPD are sworn in prior to commencing recruit training at the Justice Institute of BC (JIBC) in New Westminster, BC, and earn Probation Constable wages and benefits. Prior to attending the training, recruits do a full block ride-along on a patrol shift.

1. Pre-requisites

Cover Letter and Resume

All potential applicants are asked to submit a cover letter and resume online. All applicants will be required to provide their complete address with postal code, and a valid email address.

It is important that the cover letter demonstrates how you meet our basic requirements and why you are applying to the Victoria Police Department, especially if you are living out of jurisdiction.

Although it is recommended applicants complete the Police Officers Physical Abilities Test (POPAT) prior to submitting their application, applications will be accepted without a valid POPAT score and arrangements can be made to take the test while in the application process.

All cover letters and resumes will be reviewed and one of the following decisions will be made:

  • You may be invited to write the ETHOS exam,
  • You may be invited to conduct a virtual interview,
  • You may receive a letter indicating that you are not a competitive applicant at this time.

Physical Testing – POPAT

The POPAT is a demanding, anaerobic physical test which must be completed in under 4 minutes and 15 seconds, and POPAT test results are valid for 12 months. Applicants DO NOT require an invitation from the Recruiting Section to take this test and information for upcoming tests can be found here.

Applicants can register for any official POPAT test at any authorized testing facility near you, and there are many sites in BC and at least one in Alberta.

Candidates from outside of British Columbia, you may take the PARE test used by the RCMP after getting permission from the Recruiting Sergeant at [email protected]. However, candidates will need to complete the POPAT test during the application process.

Format for Testing
Before conducting the POPAT test, candidates are required to complete a waiver form acknowledging any potential health concerns.

POPAT facilitators will provide a full, concise explanation of the components as they are stated in the POPAT testing protocol. Testing participants will be provided with a visual demonstration of each component.

Time will be made available to allow candidates enough time to experience and practice or learn all requirements of the test. Following this practice portion, if a testing candidate feels they are not prepared to run the test, they have the opportunity to notify a POPAT facilitator and they will be officially withdrawn from the test.

Click here to see the POPAT course layout.

ETHOS Written Exam

Candidates may be invited to write the VicPD written examination after the recruiting section has reviewed your cover letter and resume.

The exam assesses practical skill sets that police officers must use on a regular basis while performing their duties. Exams sessions are held periodically throughout the year. The exam is divided into four modules:

  • Memory and observation skills
  • Reading comprehension and critical thinking skills
  • Summarizing skills
  • Writing and editing skills

Candidates who complete the exam will be contacted by the recruiting section with an exam score.

ETHOS exams completed with other BC Police agencies are valid for three years. Please advise Recruiting at [email protected] if you have passed the ETHOS exam with another BC Police Agency with a score of 70% or higher, and arrangements can be made to forward the certificate.

2. Initial Screening

Screening Interview

This interview is conducted by the VicPD Recruiting Team and is based on all of the information the applicant has provided. This interview focuses on general suitability, life experience, integrity and assesses the next step in your hiring process. You do not need to prepare anything for this interview.

3. Secondary Screening


Behavioral-based interviews focus on the life skills, experience and abilities of the applicant. Applicants should prepare answers using the STAR (Situation – Task – Actions – Result) format.

Below are the behavioural competencies that the Victoria Police are looking for when recruiting police officers:

  • Adaptability
  • Ethical Accountability & Responsibility
  • Interactive Communication
  • Organizational Awareness
  • Problem Solving
  • Risk Management
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Teamwork
  • Written Skills

Documentation Request

If you are deemed suitable you will be given access to the application package. You must include all requested documents as outlined in the application package and incomplete packages will not be processed.

Psychological Testing

Applicants will be required to attend an identified Victoria Police selected psychologist office for an interview and written testing, and arrangements for a virtual meeting can be made for out of town candidates. This testing is paid for by VicPD.

Polygraph Test

This is a continuation of the Polygraph Integrity Questionnaire and is administered In Victoria, BC by a trained professional qualified in the use of a polygraph.

4. Final Screening

HR Interview

The final interview with the candidates who have succeeded in the previous stages is with the Human Resources Division Staff Sergeant and Director. This behavioural-based interview focuses on questions which allow candidates to showcase their communication skills, ability to problem solve, and explain why they are a competitive candidate for the VicPD team.

Occupational Health Assessment

Conducted at Victoria Police Department’s expense, you will attend a health assessment company in Vancouver to ensure you are able to carry out the occupational requirements of the job as a constable.

Background Investigation

An extensive background investigation is conducted with regards to references submitted and others. An investigator contacts friends, family members, past and present employers and neighbors, and validates the candidate’s resume.

5. Offer of Employment

The Chief Constable or designate makes the final decision on offer of employment. Once you are offered employment, you will be sworn in and begin preparations to attend training.


If I have used drugs in the past, will this prevent me from being able to apply?2022-02-24T23:04:09+00:00

Each candidate's experimentation with drugs (or any criminal activity) is evaluated in its entirety on an individual basis. We have a thorough application process that is designed to evaluate the life experience of each candidate. When candidates disclose past illegal activity, our recruiting staff discuss the incident with the candidate and assess their ability to carry out the duties of a police officer. Complete disclosure throughout our process is crucial to being successful. Generally, we expect candidates to be a minimum of two years clear of any drug use prior to their application being accepted.

Does the police department pay for my tuition for the JIBC training?2022-08-23T19:41:07+00:00

No, but the Victoria Police Department does offer a payment plan to assist new recruits. The department is willing to pay the recruit's tuition fee up front and then collect it back through a payroll deduction over a 3 year period. Keep in mind that recruits do not have to participate and are free to deal with their own bank and set-up a payment plan of their choice.

A 2 year post secondary education is preferred. What type of curriculum should I look for?2022-02-24T23:02:26+00:00

The actual content of the courses is not as important as the experience of attending a post-secondary institution. Although many people choose to take courses in the social sciences this is not a requirement.

If I meet your minimum standards, is that enough?2022-02-24T23:00:46+00:00

Many of the candidates who apply to the Victoria Police Department exceed the basic requirements. The selection process is a competitive one and additional education, work or volunteer experiences beyond the minimum standards may assist you.

Is there an age limit?2022-02-24T22:59:05+00:00

No. Each candidate is evaluated individually based on their ability to meet the requirements of being a police officer.

How long will it take to reach first class Constable.2022-02-24T22:58:21+00:00

You will reach first class Constable status at the beginning of your 5th year in policing.

Will I work alone or with a partner?2022-02-24T22:31:29+00:00

There are opportunities to work alone and with a partner.

How long do I have to wait before applying for promotion?2022-02-24T22:30:59+00:00

At present, all police members must have at least 9 years experience with a recognized Canadian Police service, and 4 years with the Victoria Police Department before being eligible for promotion.

Can I apply directly to one of the specialty sections of the police department?2022-02-17T19:55:22+00:00

No. All recruit and experienced police officer applicants start in the Patrol Division and are required to spend a minimum of two years (experienced applicants) in that function before applying to other positions within the department.

Does the Victoria Police Department have many opportunities outside of the Patrol function?2022-02-17T19:54:06+00:00

yes, there are many areas that police officers can move to within the department, including the Bike and Beat Section, Traffic Section, K-9, Community Resource Officer in Victoria or Esquimalt, Professional Standards, and the Investigation and Support Unit. In the Detective Division there are positions in the Major Crime Unit, Special Victims Unit, Financial Crimes Unit, Computer Forensics, the Forensic Identification Section and Strikeforce. There are also opportunities to be seconded outside the police department to work with other agencies.

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