Monday, April 30, 2018

Victoria, BC – After responding to 5 overdose calls in 12 hours on Friday, VicPD officers responded to two serious additional drug related calls within one hour of each other in the evening of Saturday, April 28th.

18-17376 | Adverse Drug Reaction

Patrol officers were called to the 700-block of Johnson Street to assist BC Emergency Health Services paramedics as they worked to help a man who was in the throes of an adverse drug reaction. Paramedics arrived and the man, clad in his underwear and a shirt, fled down Johnson Street. Officers were able to locate the man a short time later at the intersection of Johnson and Blanshard streets.

Due to the adverse drug reaction the man was unable to control either his physical movements or his speech and at risk of harming himself. Patrol officers were initially able to de-escalate the situation and able to assist paramedics in getting the man onto a stretcher and into a waiting ambulance. While paramedics were in the initial stages of attending to the man, he suddenly became agitated a second time and fled the ambulance. He remained unable to control his physical movements or speech and was again at risk of harming himself. Patrol officers were eventually able to restrain the man and with the assistance of the paramedics, begin treating him. The man was placed in an ambulance and brought to hospital, escorted by two Patrol cars. Once the man was secured in hospital, Patrol officers were able to clear for additional calls.

No charges are being considered in this file.

18-17383 | Fatal Overdose

A short time later Patrol officers were called to the 1000-block of Johnson Street after a man was discovered in medical crisis. Despite the best efforts of attending BC Emergency Health Services paramedics and Victoria Fire Department firefighters, the man could not be revived. While the cause of death will be determined through an investigation by the BC Coroners Service, evidence at the scene points to the potential that a fatal drug overdose may be the cause. Patrol officers assisted in notifying the man’s next of kin, who reported that they were unaware that the man may be using drugs. Officers offered support to the victim’s family.

This file remains under investigation by the BC Coroners Service.  



File #: 
18-17376, 18-17383