VicPD Community Survey

We’re part of the community that we serve. That’s why every year we conduct a comprehensive community survey to ensure we are delivering the best possible policing service to the communities of Victoria and Esquimalt.

The VicPD community survey design is based on Statistics Canada guidelines, a national environmental scan of existing police surveys, as well as past surveys that we have administered, allowing for trend analysis.

I would like to thank all of the survey respondents who take the time to share their thoughts on their public safety priorities and concerns, how we are doing as a police department, and how we can be better. The VicPD Senior Leadership Team looks forward to exploring how we can implement this feedback for the benefit of our communities

Del Manak
Chief Constable

2024 Survey Results

Overall, the results of the 2024 survey closely reflect the results we received in 2022, and there were few significant changes within the margin of error from last year. However, significant changes were identified in which areas citizens would like to see VicPD pay attention to.  It should be noted the survey was conducted prior to the Provincial Government announcing plans to recriminalize the use of drugs in public spaces. This is reflected in the comments and data received from respondents, as “Open Drug Use” was the number one issue in both Victoria and Esquimalt, with almost one third of all respondents in Victoria selecting that as their top issue of concern. 

2024 Survey Raw Results