Report a Crime or Traffic Complaint Online
If this is an Emergency, do not file a report online, but instead call 911 immediately.
Online reporting is an effective method of reporting non-serious crimes to the Victoria Police Department, allowing you convenient reporting that is an efficient and effective use of police resources. Please note that online reporting is not appropriate for incidents in progress, or incidents where police attendance is required, as filing an online report will not dispatch a police officer for service.
There Are Three Types of Complaints That We Take Through Online Reporting:
Traffic Complaints
Property Crime Below $5,000 value
Property Crime Above $5,000 value
There Are Three Types of Complaints That We Take Through Online Reporting:
Traffic Complaints
Property Crime Below $5,000 value
Property Crime Above $5,000 value
Traffic Complaints
GENERAL INFORMATION – This is general information that you want us to be aware of for potential enforcement action as time and resources permit. (e.g. a continual problem with speeders in your area.)
CHARGES LAID ON YOUR BEHALF – These are observed driving offences that you feel warrant enforcement action and for which you want police to issue a Violation Ticket on your behalf. You must be willing to attend court and give evidence.
Property Crimes
Attempted Break & Enter
Graffiti Complaints
Counterfeit Currency
Lost Property
Stolen or Found Bicycle
When you report a crime online your incident file will be reviewed and given a temporary file number.
If the incident file is approved, you will be given a new police file number (approximately 3-5 business days).
If your report is rejected, you will be notified. Even though a police officer will not usually be assigned to your file, it’s important to report crime. Your report helps us identify patters and shift resources to protect your neighbourhood or area of concern appropriately.