Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Victoria, BC –Officers are sharing key crime prevention advice as we see a marked increase in vehicles thefts – up 36% this year over last during the 28-day period between July 14th and August 13th.  (This timeframe is Period 8 of our Operations Council process, by which incidents are analyzed and actioned on a 28-day basis.)


While investigators often see a general increase in property crime over the summer months compared to winter months, this significant increase exceeds the usual seasonal pattern. Motorcycles and scooters make up a significant proportion of these thefts and are being stolen at a rate of nearly one every two days, which is unusual.




There are key steps that you can take to help protect your motorcycle, scooter or electric bike. Ensure it is parked in a well-lit location. Lock it using an additional locking device like a heavy wheel lock or chain. Report any suspicious activity that you are seeing to police and, if you’re a member of a VicPD Block Watch, to your Block Watch Captain to share with your neighbours. If you’re not a member of a VicPD Block Watch, you can join one by emailing VicPD Block Watch Program Coordinator Kimberly Kelley.


If you have information about these motorcycle, scooter and electric bike thefts, please call our non-emergency line at (250) 995-7654. To report what you know anonymously, please call Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

