Monday, March 25, 2019

Victoria BC- Police Service Dog (PSD) Alpha and Zender were able to safely apprehend three people in three different files over the last 10 days.


On March 16th, PSD Alpha and his partner stopped a man who was rummaging through a donation bin in the Tillicum Mall parking lot. The man was recognized from previous interactions, and gave a false name to the officer. While waiting for a cover unit, it was determined that the man had outstanding warrants. Upon arrival of the Saanich Police cover unit, the man appeared he was going to run, but upon the barking of PSD Alpha, the man was safely taken into custody.


PSD Alpha


On March  23rd, at 4:00 a.m., PSD Zender and his handler assisted Saanich Police as they had located a suspicious vehicle.  The man that was driving was breaching conditions and was known to be extremely violent. PSD Zender attended and assisted in the safe apprehension of the man by gaining compliance through barking.  


On March 23rd, at 11:00 p.m., PSD Zender was back on duty with his partner and assisted Saanich Police with the location of a suspect of an assault in the 1300-block of Hastings Street in Saanich. PSD Zender was deployed and began tracking toward a shed on the property where the assault occurred. The suspect was inside the shed, and was safely taken into custody.  


PSD Zender


The Police Service Dogs did not come into contact with any of the suspects in these three files.

