Date: Friday, January 15, 2021

Victoria, BC – This week in Open VicPD we start 2021 by looking at Complaints. Complaints are our fourth measure of our third goal – Achieve Organizational Excellence.

Gathered from the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC), B.C.’s civilian police oversight agency tasked with investigating complaints against officers and departments, complaints are categorized as total, admissible and substantiated. You can learn more about the OPCC, and the complaints process here:

Complaints are one of our fifteen measures on our Community Dashboard, which, along with our online quarterly reports, publications, and other information are part of Open VicPD, and are how we are telling the story of working towards our strategic vision of “A Safer Community Together.”


Complaints | Community Dashboard

A comprehensive accountability and complaint system is in place for police officers across British Columbia, including the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC) and our Professional Standards Section at the Victoria Police Department. This chart shows the total number of complaints received, the total complaints deemed admissible by the OPCC, and of those, the total identified as substantiated.

This data is collected by the OPCC. It is important to note that because the source of the data is the OPCC, the dates below of based on B.C. provincial government fiscal years, which run from April 1 to March 31. This means that “2019” below indicates April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.

To interact with the chart, you can click on the individual data type.


We Want to Hear From You!

As part of our goals to improve your understanding of how we work and what measures we’re using and why, we welcome your feedback. Please email us your questions and suggestions.

Up Next

Next week, we wrap up our Open VicPD deep dives with our fifth category of our Achieve Organizational Excellence Goal – Response Time –  which shows how quickly we’re responding to your calls for service.

Each week we’re looking at one of our Open VicPD Community Dashboard measures in detail to help you understand what we’re measuring, why we’re measuring it and how we think it helps you track our progress towards achieving our goals.

Join us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and to come along for a deeper dive into Open VicPD.
