Date: November 24, 2023

Victoria, BC – Traffic is expected to be disrupted in the downtown core again this weekend for a planned demonstration.

On Sunday, November 26, a planned demonstration is expected to disrupt traffic along Government and Douglas Streets, between Belleville and Johnson Streets, beginning at approximately 2 p.m. and lasting about one hour. A map of the planned route is below.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows for peaceful demonstrations in public spaces, including streets. However, participants are reminded that it is inherently unsafe to walk in open streets, due to traffic, and that they do so at their own risk.  

Participants are also asked to remember the limits of lawful demonstration. VicPD’s Safe and Peaceful Demonstration Guide contains information on the rights and responsibilities of peaceful demonstrating. 

Continued demonstrations of this type can be expected with varying planned routes. Updates on impacts to traffic will be posted to our X (formerly Twitter) account @vicpdcanada 
