Welcome to the VicPD Community Dashboard

In March 2020, VicPD launched a new Strategic Plan called A Safer Community Together that charts the course of the organization over the next five years.

This dashboard is an integral component of the VicPD Strategic Plan in that it shares data and other information about our work as the police service for the communities of Victoria and Esquimalt.  Through this proactive and interactive sharing of information, it is hoped that citizens can learn more about VicPD and how we currently deliver policing services, while perhaps starting conversations about additional opportunities and challenges that deserve greater attention.

Please note that this dashboard is comprised of 15 indicators that are broadly associated to VicPD’s three main goals.  This is by no means an exhaustive list of key indicators nor is this dashboard intended to reflect all aspects of how VicPD delivers policing services to the communities of Victoria and Esquimalt.


Support Community Safety

Supporting community safety is at the core of our work at the Victoria Police Department. Our 2020-2024 Strategic Plan takes a three-point approach to community safety: fighting crime, preventing crime, and contributing to community vibrancy.


Enhance Public Trust

Public trust is essential to effective community-based policing. That is why VicPD aims to further enhance the public trust that we currently enjoy by continuing to engage the public, collaborate with our diverse communities, and maximize transparency.


Achieve Organizational Excellence

VicPD is always looking at ways to be better. The 2020-2024 VicPD Strategic Plan aims to achieve organizational excellence by supporting our people, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness, and using technology to support our work.