Victoria, BC – Officers are warning area residents and those visiting the area of the 1600-block of Hillside Avenue to remove valuables from their vehicles. Thieves are targeting valuables left in vehicles in the neighbourhood. Several thefts from vehicles have recently occurred in the area, resulting in damage to vehicles and loss of valuable property.
VicPD’s Operations Council, an interdisciplinary team of investigators and experts that establishes our monthly Patrol priorities, has identified the area around the 1600-block of Hillside Avenue for proactive response to help reduce these thefts.
As call volumes allow, Patrol officers will proactively attend the area. Volunteer Reserve constables will conduct proactive Lock Out Auto Crime patrols in the area. These efforts are being augmented by VicPD Crime Watch Volunteers, who will also be conducting proactive crime prevention in the area. VicPD Block Watch Captains and volunteers are being notified of the increase in thefts from vehicles and are being asked to keep an eye out for people looking in windows and trying vehicle doors.
For more information on what you can do to help prevent yourself and others from falling victim to thefts from vehicles, please visit https://vicpd.ca/preventautocrime.
If you see someone looking into or trying door handles of vehicles, please call 911.