File # 14-26000
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Listen: Alert Potential Buyer Gives Key Information for Crime Reduction Unit to Recover Stolen Bike

Victoria BC – Forty-five minutes was all it took for VicPD’s Crime Reduction Unit to recover a stolen bike yesterday after an alert potential buyer notified a local bike shop.

The bicycle was originally reported stolen on June 19thof this year from a bike rack in a parking garage in the 800-block of North Park Street, however there was no video surveillance or other evidence at the time to continue the investigation.

Thankfully, an alert potential buyer, who had gone to purchase the bike after viewing it online, noticed some suspicious things about it. She also noted that the bike had a sticker from a local bike shop. She contacted the bike shop, who contacted VicPD.

That’s when the Crime Reduction Unit became involved. Officers quickly took up the information, called the bike shop and were able to confirm that indeed, the bike stolen.

Members quickly set up a meeting with the seller and were able to get the bike back. After interviewing the seller, officers realized he was not the original thief and they were not able to track the theft back.

A very relieved owner received a call from CRU only 45 minutes after the information come in, letting her know that her bike is safely waiting for her at VicPD headquarters.

Officers want to commend the woman who went to purchase the bike, but became suspicious, prompting her to act and report it to the bike shop. The reporting started the pieces falling together to get the bike back to the original owner.

If you suspect that a deal is ‘too good to be true’ it likely is. Follow your instincts and help police solve crime.