Victoria BC – Tonight, VicPD, Saanich PD and the Capital Regional District Road Safety Unit launch ‘Light up the Island’, an impaired driving enforcement campaign from the British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee, aimed at targeting impaired and distracted drivers across Vancouver Island.

The ‘Light up the Island’ campaign includes all police agencies on Vancouver Island with check stops throughout.

The campaign coincides with the start of the holiday season ICBC CounterAttack campaign, which is the seasonal campaign that runs throughout the holiday season.

“Impaired and distracted driving are the leading causes of preventable injury and deadly collisions on BC’s roadways,” said Sgt. Ron Cronk, Sergeant in charge of VicPD’s Traffic Section. “Our officers are committed to enforcing the laws against impaired and distracted driving, but we need you to do your part as well. Put down that phone, plan your safe ride home and save a life.”