Friday, December 23, 2016


On behalf of all the men and women of VicPD, I would like to wish everyone all the best this holiday season.

2016 has been a busy year for VicPD but our officers and civilian staff have done a fantastic job serving the citizens of Victoria and Esquimalt.

For example, we continue to work shoulder to shoulder with our partners in the community on important issues like homelessness, mental health and substance use.

VicPD is also playing a central role in combatting the current opioid crisis that is affecting so many people in our community. Just recently, our officers worked with the Canada Border Service Agency to intercept 1.2 million dollars worth of fentanyl and other drugs, which was enough for 725,000 potentially lethal overdoses. 

I am enormously proud of the work of our officers and staff.  Every time I am out in the community, I hear first-hand from our citizens about how proud they are of VicPD.  It is so rewarding for me to hear these stories, which tell me that our officers live up to VicPD’s motto every day, which is “Honour Through Service.”

At this time of year, I encourage everyone to take a moment to think about the men and women of VicPD who will be on duty over the holidays.  In all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s important to remember all of the first responders keeping us safe in our communities.

On behalf of everyone at VicPD, I wish all the best for you and your loved ones this holiday season and I hope you have a wonderful 2017.

-A/Chief Constable Del Manal