Saturday, October 28, 2017

Victoria, BC – The arrival of the U-bicycle to Victoria has opened up bike riding possibilities to many in our community. These dockless rental bicycles, which are rented via an app, have appeared throughout Victoria. In addition to people riding them, the bicycles’ arrival has also had an unintended consequence – people mistakenly reporting them abandoned.

Since the launch of the U-bike program, and despite media coverage of these bikes coming to Victoria, our 911 Communications Centre has begun receiving calls about the U-bikes. Concerned, well-meaning Victorians are reporting them abandoned. The green and silver bicycles, which come complete with lights and a helmet, have a self-locking device and do not need a dock. An image of the bikes is below.

If you see one of these bicycles, know that it is not abandoned and in fact contains a GPS system that shows U-bike where all the cycles are. U-bike staff will, from time to time, come and retrieve bikes that have been left in a particular area for a long period of time and relocate them to a more central area for use.

If you have questions or concerns or would like more information about the U-bike program, please visit:
