Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Victoria, BC- Detectives with our Investigative Services Division’s Special Victims Unit (SVU) have taken a man into custody after an investigation into alleged sexual assaults believed to have occurred at a residential care facility located in the 1400-block of Hillside Avenue.

Amado Ceniza, a 39-year-old Saanich man, faces four charges of sexual assault as well as four counts of sexual exploitation of a person with a disability.

Amado Ceniza was employed as a Health Care Aide at the facility and these incidents are alleged to have occurred at that location. As soon as staff at the facility were aware of the alleged offences they made a report directly to police. Amado Ceniza was immediately suspended. He has not had access to patients at the Island Health facility where he has been employed since the allegations were made. Staff at the facility, Island Health and the Ministry of Health have worked closely with SVU investigators to ensure that patients were made safe and continue to be supported and protected. Our investigators have greatly appreciated the support from our partners at Island Health and the Ministry of Health.

Investigators have identified and spoken with three victims, but suspect there could be more. Investigators are urging anyone who has been the victim of a crime to call our non-emergency line at (250) 995-7654. Sexual assault can also be reported to a doctor, nurse or other health care provider, at an emergency room, through the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre by calling (250) 383-3232 or through the Men’s Trauma Centre by calling (250) 381-6367. Our SVU investigators want all survivors of sexualized violence to know that we believe you. For more resources for survivors of sexualized violence please visit

Investigators are also appealing for witnesses. Anyone who believes that he or she witnessed interactions between Amado Ceniza and patients that were inappropriate should call our detective tip line at 250-995-7444.

Amado Ceniza appeared before a Judicial Justice of the Peace and was released on bail with the following conditions:

  • no contact or communications with the alleged victims,
  • he is not to be within a 200 meter radius of the Hillside Avenue facility,
  • he is not to be alone in the presence of anyone in a vulnerable population, including the elderly, anyone under the age of 18 year, or anyone who is physically or mentally disabled, 
  • he must not work, volunteer, or engage in any activity in a care aide or nursing capacity, or in any position of trust involving anyone in a vulnerable population, including the elderly anyone under the age of 18 year, or anyone who is physically or mentally disabled,
  • he must not be in any care facility or home for a vulnerable population, including the elderly, anyone under the age of 18 years or anyone who is physically or mentally disabled,
  • to report to a bail supervisor and advise of changes of employment or residence.

Amado Ceniza is considered innocent until proven guilty.



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