Monday, December 31, 2018

Victoria, BC – With New Year’s Eve celebrations fast approaching, VicPD officers will be out checking for those driving while impaired by drugs and/or alcohol.

From December 1st to December 24th, VicPD officers took 42 impaired drivers off our roads. That figure amounts to nearly two impaired drivers each day. While during a recent Counter Attack deployment on Saturday, December 29th officers issued one 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition, the numbers of impaired drivers on our roads is far too high.

If you are planning on celebrating tonight, alternative methods home include a taxi, dial-a-driver and a designated driver. BC Transit is free tonight from 6pm to the end of service. When compared, the costs of a single 24hr Immediate Roadside Prohibition are less than calling a towing company and having your vehicle towed home.

If you celebrate tonight, don’t drive impaired.