Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Victoria, BC – Today, we are interrupting our regularly scheduled Open VicPD Community Updates to bring you a special item. We are releasing the online presentation of our trend analysis from our 2020 VicPD Community Surveys.

This trend analysis is across three VicPD Community Surveys; 2014, 2017 and 2020. Over a six-year period, it tells us what residents of Esquimalt and Victoria think and feel about key issues in our communities, how we are doing today and helps guide us to how we can do better in the future. This online presentation is the same presentation that we gave to the Victoria and Esquimalt Police Board and to our officers and staff.

Presenting this trend analysis is part of our efforts to be as open and accountable as possible. That’s why we’re sharing the survey data and our own analysis of the trends we see as part of our deeper dive into our interactive VicPD Community Dashboard and Open VicPD.

Our Community Survey results are part of our Community Dashboard, which, along with our online quarterly reports, publications, and other information are part of Open VicPD, and are how we are telling the story of working towards our strategic vision of “A Safer Community Together.”

2020 marks the start of an important change in our Community Survey. We believe it is important to continue to hear from you about how we’re doing and where we can improve. That’s why our Community Survey will now happen annually, with the next one being conducted in 2021.

Please enjoy the presentation video below.



We Want to Hear From You!

We’re glad to welcome your feedback and your questions. Please share your questions and comments about the 2020 Community Survey and the trend analysis presentation with us through this link or through the link in the survey description.

Up Next

We’ll be back next week with another Open VicPD update, where we’ll move to the second of our three goals, Enhancing the Public Trust. Our first measure is also from our VicPD Community Survey; Public Satisfaction.

Each week we’re looking at one of our Open VicPD Community Dashboard measures in detail to help you understand what we’re measuring, why we’re measuring it and how we think it helps you track our progress towards achieving our goals.

Join us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and to come along for a deeper dive into Open VicPD.
