Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020

Victoria, BC – This week we look at citizens’ perception of our accountability, which is a second measure from our second goal, Enhance Public Trust. We also generated this measure as part of our Community Surveys, which took place in 2014, 2017 and 2020.

Esquimalt and Victoria residents’ perceptions of our officers and staff’s accountability are one of fifteen measures on our Community Dashboard, which, along with our online quarterly reports, publications, and other information are part of Open VicPD, and are how we are telling the story of working towards our strategic vision of “A Safer Community Together.”

Perception of Accountability – Community Dashboard

Perception of Accountability is a key public trust measure. While there are several levels of accountability and oversight as mandated by the BC Police Act and other laws, as well as robust oversight from civilian agencies including the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner, the Independent Investigations Office and more, this measure is a key one as it indicates the level of confidence residents of Esquimalt and Victoria have in knowing that we’ll be held to account.

Being accountable to our citizens is a key element of being a community-based police service that earns the trust and respect of the public. That is why VicPD asks specific questions to measure accountability in our community surveys. This chart reflects the perception of accountability among citizens in Victoria and Esquimalt as expressed through past VicPD community surveys. Specifically, it shows the percentage of respondents who indicated that they agree, disagree or don’t know if VicPD is accountable. Click here to learn more about VicPD community surveys.

To interact with the chart, you can filter by year on the right side by clicking once on the desired year. You can also click directly onto the chart and confirm the selection by clicking the green checkbox.




To interact with the chart, you can filter by year on the right side by clicking once on the desired year. You can also click directly onto the chart and confirm the selection by clicking the green checkbox.

We’ve updated our VicPD Dashboard with the latest numbers from our 2020 Community Survey. We’ll also continue to update the VicPD Community dashboard with the latest data.

We Want to Hear From You!

As part of our goals to improve your understanding of how we work and what measures we’re using and why, we welcome your feedback. Please email us your questions and suggestions.

Up Next

Next week, we take a closer look at our third measure under our goal to Enhance Public Trust, the number of Public Safety Campaigns we conduct each year.

Each week we’re looking at one of our Open VicPD Community Dashboard measures in detail to help you understand what we’re measuring, why we’re measuring it and how we think it helps you track our progress towards achieving our goals.

Join us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and to come along for a deeper dive into Open VicPD.
