Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Greater Victoria, B.C. – The Greater Victoria Police Diversity Advisory Committee (GVPDAC) was created in 2001 to bring together representatives from Greater Victoria’s diverse communities and the region’s police agencies with the goals of fostering trust, improving communication, and building mutual understanding.


For several years, the GVPDAC and the Victoria Pride Society (VPS) have worked towards these goals. This work has included ensuring GVPDAC participation in the annual Victoria Pride Parade to show that we support all members of the community we serve and work alongside.

The VPS decision to only allow non-uniformed police officers to participate in the 2019 Victoria Pride Parade has been part of an ongoing conversation with the VPS and the GVPDAC for several weeks. As part of this conversation, the GVPDAC heard concerns from members of marginalized communities about our participation in this event.

In the spirit of GVPDAC’s goals, we’ve worked together with VPS to find a solution that allows us to show support for those we serve and work alongside that will also work to meet the needs of all.  

As guests at the VPS event, we’re happy to participate in the manner that the organizers and community have told us they need us to. This year, we’re glad to not walk in uniform. It is our hope that doing so helps us all take another step towards fostering trust, improving communication, and building mutual understanding between our officers and staff and LGBTQ2S+ members of the Greater Victoria community we serve.

Happy Pride!

