Thursday, August 16, 2018

Victoria, BC –Court-ordered conditions have been issued for Kit Wong, a 70-year-old Esquimalt man facing four charges of sexual assault.

The charges relate to Wong’s work as an acupuncturist, massage and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, from his home-based business in Esquimalt. Wong also served as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Although not a member of the medical staff, Wong practiced traditional Chinese medicine on service members.

Wong was arrested Tuesday, and released on bail with conditions yesterday after appearing before a judge.

Wong is bound by a condition to not practice Chinese medicine and not to offer or provide any massage or other therapy including acupuncture that involves physical touch to any female person apart from members of his immediate family.

If you are a victim or have information regarding Kit Wong that you would like to share with police, investigators are asking you to call our non-emergency line at (250) 995-7654. Alternatively, you can contact the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre at (250) 383-3232. If you are a serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces and need support you can contact the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre at 1-844-750-1678 or through your chain of command.   

Our message to survivors of sexualized violence is that we believe you.  For resources, please visit

Kit Wong is considered innocent until proven guilty. 




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