Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Victoria, BC – VicPD’s Traffic Section and VicPD Speed Watch volunteers will be out in Victoria and Esquimalt tomorrow to conduct a “two strikes” style distracted driving enforcement event.

In this “two strikes” model, VicPD Speed Watch volunteers will place a sandwich board with reminders to drivers that distracted driving is against the law. A short distance away, VicPD Traffic Section officers will be conducting enforcement.

“Distracted driving is dangerous and against the law,” VicPD Traffic Section A/Sgt. Ross Smith said. “We believe everyone knows they shouldn’t be driving while distracted. This type of enforcement provides additional warning that we are out and are actively enforcing the laws in the immediate area.”

Distracted driving penalties significantly increased today. These penalties include significantly higher fines, additional penalty points and earlier interventions for repeat offenders which includes driving prohibitions. For more information on the new penalties visit: