Township of Esquimalt: 2022 – Q2
As part of our ongoing Open VicPD transparency initiative, we introduced Community Safety Report Cards as a way to keep everyone up to date with how the Victoria Police Department is serving the public. These report cards, which are published quarterly in two community-specific versions (one for Esquimalt and one for Victoria), offer both quantitative and qualitative information about crime trends, operational incidents, and community engagement initiatives. It is hoped that, through this proactive sharing of information, our citizens have a better understanding of how VicPD is working toward its strategic vision of “A Safer Community Together.”
Esquimalt Community Information
VicPD continues to make progress towards our three main strategic goals outlined in VicPD Strategic Plan 2020. Specifically, in Q2, the following goal-specific work was accomplished:
Support Community Safety
The most important event related to community safety occurred on June 28th when three VicPD officers were among the six officers who were shot while responding to two heavily armed suspects at a bank in Saanich.
The Patrol Division continues to manage a heavy call load despite staffing shortages, but remains hopeful that additional resources are forthcoming.
Volunteer programs, including Crime Watch, Cell Watch, and Speed Watch, have resumed normal operations and have received very positive feedback from the public as a result.
Enhance Public Trust
The Saanich shooting incident, despite its associated tragedies, also served to bring our community closer together and VicPD is deeply appreciative of all of the support shown to us by the community.
VicPD launched the VicPD Indigenous Heritage Crest on National Indigenous Peoples Day in June. VicPD’s Indigenous Engagement Team of First Nations and Metis members who have ancestral ties to the Cree, Kaska, Dena, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk, Naskapi and Ojibwe nations created VicPD’s crest to honour the Indigenous heritage of those who serve our communities as VicPD officers, civilian employees, special municipal constables, jail staff, and volunteers.
VicPD completed another successful annual community survey project in June. Key findings include an 82% overall satisfaction rate with VicPD’s service, and 93% of respondents agreeing that “police and citizens working together can make this a better place to live and work.”
Achieve Organizational Excellence
More than ever, the Saanich shooting incident highlighted the need to care for our people. A significant collective effort was immediately launched to look after the physical and mental needs of everyone involved, a process that remains in effect on a daily basis as our recovery continues.
In Q2, an increased emphasis was placed on attracting qualified candidates to join VicPD as officers, civilian employees, special municipal constables, jail staff, and volunteers. This has taken the form of a recruiting presence at community and sporting events as well as a refreshed recruiting website and streamlined application process.
Implementation of a new Human Resources Information System continues, which promises to streamline a variety of processes (including recruiting) across the organization.
One of the most important, but most challenging moments of the quarter came on June 28th, when three VicPD officers were among six GVERT officers shot while responding to two heavily armed suspects at a bank in Saanich. In addition to providing direct operational and communications support to our Saanich Police Department partners as part of the immediate response to the incident, the Public Affairs section of the Community Engagement team continues to support the ongoing investigation and respond to community concern and the tremendous outpouring of community support.

A young girl wears a blue heart in support of GVERT officers
Historical Case Review Unit investigators released new photographs of missing Esquimalt woman Belinda Cameron. Belinda Cameron was last seen on May 11th, 2005. Belinda was last seen at Esquimalt’s Shoppers Drug Mart in the 800-block of Esquimalt Road that day. Belinda was reported missing nearly a month later, on June 4th, 2005. Officers conducted an extensive investigation and a series of searches for Belinda. She has not been found. Belinda’s disappearance is considered suspicious and investigators believe that Belinda was the victim of foul play. Her disappearance continues to be investigated as a homicide.
Early in the quarter, Esquimalt-based Patrol officers investigated a disturbing incident in which a man poured gasoline on an occupied boat at a marina in the 500-block of Head Street. The man threatened the boat’s occupants and dropped a lit cigarette in the poured gasoline, which failed to ignite, and then fled the area. The boat occupants secured the vessel and called police. Officers located the suspect in the 900-block of Pandora Avenue a short time later, and arrested him for uttering threats and for arson with disregard for human life.
A Spanish-speaking Esquimalt Division officer was called to assist when a person in crisis resulting from an adverse drug reaction attempted to access a residence and then crawled into the skylight of an occupied Esquimalt home. Esquimalt Division and Patrol officers responded and utilized verbal de-escalation skills and conversational Spanish to resolve the situation such that the distraught person was taken into custody without incident or injury and transported to hospital for mental health care.
In addition to conducting speed-board traffic safety deployments, laser speed deployments and assisting Esquimalt bylaw staff with enforcement and support, Esquimalt Division officers also provided armed response to the Saanich shooting on June 28th. Esquimalt Division officers provided Patrol rifle overwatch during the search for potential additional suspects and remained on scene providing traffic control and investigative support.
VicPD launched the VicPD Indigenous Heritage Crest. VicPD’s Indigenous Engagement Team of First Nations and Metis members who have ancestral ties to the Cree, Kaska, Dena, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk, Naskapi and Ojibwe nations created VicPD’s crest to honour the Indigenous heritage of those who serve our communities as VicPD officers, civilian employees, special municipal constables, jail staff, and volunteers.

Acclaimed educator and master carver Yux’wey’lupton launches the VicPD Indigenous Engagement Crest with Det. Cst. Sandi Haney and Cst. Cam MacIntyre
The VicPD Indigenous Heritage Crest was designed by acclaimed educator and master carver Yux’wey’lupton, a true visionary guide and knowledge-keeper, known widely by his English name, Clarence “Butch” Dick. Butch was also instrumental in helping design our VicPD crest, which prominently features the Sta’qeya, or Coast Salish wolf, as a way to represent our connection to the traditional Lekwungen territories where we live and work.
In Q2, VicPD completed another successful annual community survey project in both Esquimalt and Victoria. Key findings for Esquimalt include an 85% overall satisfaction rate with VicPD’s service, and 95% of Esquimalt respondents agreeing that “Police and citizens working together can make this a better place to live and work.”
April 16, 2022 – HMCS Esquimalt Memorial
Chief Manak and Insp. Brown attended a ceremony at Memorial Park to honour the service of those who lost their lives in the sinking of the HMCS Esquimalt in the Second World War.
May – Family Visit to Esquimalt Division
In May of this quarter, the Odosa family attended the Esquimalt Division station as one of the children had a school assignment to conduct an interview. He chose to interview Cst. Lastiwka because he was interested in becoming a police officer one day. The experience was enjoyed by all and the kids received some VicPD branded high-visibility safety gear.
May 11, 2022 – McHappy Days
Our Community Resource Officers enjoyed some camaraderie with our local McDonald’s staff to celebrate McHappy Days!
May 13-15, 2022 – Buccaneer Days BBQ & Parade
Chief Manak, Deputy Laidman, Insp. Brown and a number of VicPD volunteers participated in the Buccaneer Day Parade. This was a great community event with an outstanding turn out by our local community members and families.
May 17, 2022 – EHS Lockdown Procedures & Drill
Insp. Brown worked with Esquimalt High School administrators to review their lockdown procedures. After ensuring the procedures were up-to-date, Insp. Brown and the Community Resource officers ran a successful drill for the staff and students.
May 28, 2022 – Fort Macaulay Tour
Insp. Brown attended a tour of Fort Macaulay. Despite the rain, it was a wonderful event and a great opportunity to honour such an historic site!
June 4, 2022 – Esquimalt Block Party
Insp. Brown, members of Patrol Division, and VicPD volunteers attended the Esquimalt Block Party. It was a fantastic event and a great opportunity to interact and spend time with our local residents and families.
June & Ongoing – Summer Action Plan
Insp. Brown, Sgt. Hollingsworth and the Community Resource Officers continue to execute the Summer Action Plan through high-visibility policing in our local parks and other key areas in the Township. The new e-bikes have proven to be a huge success in this regard!
At the end of Q2 the net operating financial position is approximately 1.9% over budget, mostly due to temporary expenditures which we expect abate in the 2nd half of the year. Revenues are above budget due to recoveries of expenditures for special duties. Capital commitments are at 77% due to the carryover of purchases from 2021 but are expected to remain within budget. Salaries and benefits are high in the first two quarters due to the timing of benefit costs and are expected to fall below budget in the second half of the year. Overtime costs remain high as a result of maintaining front-line minimums whilst we continue to experience staffing shortages and work-related injuries. A portion of the requested overtime budget was not approved by councils which will contribute to overtime overages. Other expenditures, except retirements, were in line with expectations and expected to remain within budget.